Monday, August 12, 2024

Predictions for a few weeks

 The cold is getting boring.  I said a long time ago that the fun would be in how they are convincing us that everything is getting warmer, when it is getting colder.  


They have to find another excuse for it getting colder.  La Nina can't work, so it's back to the polar vortex fairies.  

The world and Northern temperature charts will dive below last year.  I think they will dive below the other years.

The big question is whether we go back to below 1980.  I don't think the charts will do that because they seem to have a calibration creep.  It will only be a few of us who remember the 70's, that will notice.  

Toronto will finally go to its 30 below winter, Huntsville will go to 40 below.  This is good for winter camping.

Snow will start near the end of October, and will continue to May.  To give us a thaw, mid-winter, we need the Pacific air to break over the mountains.  That happened the year before last, and might happen again.

No new heating events in the Pacific.  Ever since the big El Nino in 2016, we've been getting fractional current reverses, that have given us temperature peaks.  The areas involved are getting divided in half each time.  You can see that on the charts, and I saw it with the ocean currents, which nobody looks at.

The Pacific ocean levels are showing a big dip.  It is funny how this chart shows the historic warm and cold cycles.  

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