Saturday, August 24, 2024

Death boat is the new Bozing jet

 Bad engineering.  Always kills in the long term, especially when they have fun with the Laws of Physics.

I'm being very cryptic because that boat guy looks to be as bad as Bozing in 'dealing' with people.  

I'm going to design a monohull with the tallest mast in the world.  This is great, as every sleazy billionaire is going to buy one.  With the big sail (over compensation), the boat can go twice as fast.  Fantastic, why hasn't this been done before?

Oh, it has.  For old King Henry, they made a fantastic king's boat with the tallest sails in the world.  Looked fantastic, and got out into the harbour.  Ooops, it flipped over.  Wow, didn't see that coming!

Ok, then, I'll make a coyote design like the 737max.  It will still sell, but I have to put a retractable keel that goes down a hundred feet.  Nobody will see it.  We'll put a big weight bulge at the bottom, like a dildo.

Dear Sir, you made a death ship.  If there is a big storm coming, then it is best to scoot to the nearest shelter.  They can't take your giant underwater wiener.  So you have to winch it up.  Who's got the tippy boat now?  The harbours don't have any wind protection, just waves.  So, with the keel up, you don't need 300 km/hr wind from a tornado to knock it over, just your standard 150 km/hr blowdown.  These are a dime a dozen, and no moored sailboat will notice it.

Of course, since this was labelled as an 'unsinkable boat', like the Titanic, all the hatches were open for the heat.  Air conditioning is very un-green.  This boat needs retractable and inflatable outriggers when in shelter.  Man, that would look ugly.

ps the jet has big-ass engines strapped onto it, like the coyote jet on the back.  It was unstable.  Whoops, when that was discovered, they had the idiot nephew write a program, that was good 99 times out of a hundred.

ps of course, you can leave the engineering behind, and go with the media -- Climate Change.

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