Monday, August 5, 2024

A cure for alkies like me

 How do you define an alkie?  Heavy alkies polish off two bottles of wine before dinner, and then go for a big hunk of strong stuff, and can live to 65 before the liver conks out.

But there are those of us who have high anxiety, and need a drink to calm down after a tough (normal) day.  I like a bit of Scotch.

But I have found a cure for 'alkie creep' which leads to heavier drinking.  It has proven to work on one 'developing alkie' and might allow him to live to 70.

We tried it at the cottage.  I have to careful on advertisng things on here because this is Canada, so I'll be vague.  It's a very neat vape pen that only goes on when you suck in a puff.  And then you can stuff it in your pocket.  The real key is an official teensy weensy cartridge of liquid from the legal store that is 85% THC, the rest being natural terpenes, and rosins.

So,  you feel like a whiskey, and you take a delightful puff from this.  It hits you right away with a double whammy of the pleasure of the taste of the smoke, and then a small hit of the stuff.  It is instantly satisfying, and you can postpone the drink.  I put it at one ounce of whiskey, or one beer.  Being the cottage, we had a drink to celebrate this great find.

I've asked for one for Christmas from Santa.  I have no idea of the name of it, but I looked at the label of the cartridge.  Neat.  Of course, more puffing would make you into a toadstool. 

Now, for depression, I would recommend seeing a doctor, because you need something that works, so you can drive.  I never found anything that works well with anxiety.

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