Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Insane math rules the weather roost

 The world temperatures reflect every detail of the Antarctic temperatures.

Note the tiny curve at the end.

This is the Antarctic rise at 30 below.  That represents zero heat energy, yet it affects the world results.

All the crazy news of 'hottest day' is for the anxiety-ridden Northern market.  That temperature is diving, as we all know.  

We now have the end of our Toronto 2-week stagnant summer.  We are living the 70's.

I can now get back to work at the cottage.  Sucks if you take your vacation this month.  Of course, I can't do work in solid rain.  Look at that rain-train coming over us.

In summary, all of my 'physics side' indicators show the end of summer.  You can continue to believe the influencers.  Ha, one influencer got kicked out of the Olympics because they were turning things into a circus.  Some people are against this, but we are lucky nobody takes the long-range weather forecast seriously.  We can now safely say that every influencer forecast has been wrong, and nobody cares.

ps.  it's a hoot that Antarctica is in winter and normally is at 80 below, but now is 30 below.  That couldn't warm a fly.

ps.  the boot to the Olympic influencer is the first shot of the rebellion against all idiot influencers.  :)

ps. look at us Northies!  - Really magnified, I'm putting on a sweater.

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