Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fish predictions turn out to be right about Calgary water pipes


I hate gloating.  Especially, since I make a noise in the woods, and nobody is there to notice it.  It's funny that only at the very last stages of failure, do you get the wire breaks.  It is generally impossible to have the geophysics to assess the pipe from the inside.

I suspect that all the 'hot spots' they detect will be nowhere near the next pipe breaks.  I know everything about the geophysics they are using.  Neat.

Like Ontario bridges, they should have been replacing these pipes a long time ago.  I think they just stuffed their heads in their socks.

But, good luck to them, I wish them the best.  Perhaps they could bring in Bozing or MS to help them out.

ps.  Ok, I'm done making fun of stupidity for now.  The next post should be something positive, like someone has broken out of the 'thick' swamp.  

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