Monday, August 19, 2024

Country people, prepare for a ride


In the interest of being popular, the gov't is now going 'full tilt' at the windmills.  

This is the fun thing of Socratic debate, no experiments are needed.  They just select facts and pummel you with them.

Looking at the windmills on the way to the cottage, you can be sure they never run when they are needed, like stagnant-air heat and cold waves.  Even today, they might not run because the wind is too strong.  They have a capacity (to provide power when needed) of about 8%

But this is not the worst thing.  They sync up exactly.  I'm not saying what this can do, because there are no experiments, just debate.  Anyway, have fun, they have to be 'everywhere' to provide a speck of power.  I'm glad I live in the city.  We love stomping on the country mice.  :)

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