Saturday, August 31, 2024

Armed Toilet Police Patrol Calgary


Remember that SCTV skit about Library Police.  Now, it's all true in Calgary.  Better have your toilet logs ready!  

Friday, August 30, 2024

Big cold front for Toronto

 The last one was a bust, but this looks heavy.

The world temps are diving again, but I expected them to dive more.

The tropics are what I expect.  They drive the rest of the earth.  

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Cottage report - end of August

 Cool and clear.  The kids were up when we had a near-fatal accident on the lake.  Some old guy was testing a standard outboard for his daughter when a huge wave snuck up on him.  He was thrown out of the boat, no lifejacket, no dead switch attached.  

The kids were looking at the boat just spinning tight turns, when the old guy finally hollered 'Help!"  Some millennial canoeists went right by him.  My kids were hopeless, but all the neighbours took out their boats and saved the old guy on his last legs.

The other boats just made a big circle around the spinning boat. Finally, someone thought of scattering floating ropes all around and it finally snagged.  Quite brilliant, really.

So, next time, maybe attach that cord when you have a standard fishing boat.  And wear the lifejacket. (I never do). 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The ocean is overflowing


It is interesting that once you abandon the 'rule of law', then everything descends to anarchy.  In this case, we abandon the laws of physics.  

The Pacific islands are either rising or sinking.  The sinking is what makes coral reefs.  No sinking, no coral.  The main thing about water is that it is always level, when still.  The 'absolute sea level' is called 'level' for a reason.  It is going down as the oceans cool.  

Toronto dodges a bullet of cold


Wow, it missed us.  

ps.  it is still miserable weather.  Off to the cottage.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Here we go again -- A fine Toronto storm to hit


Sure as pancakes, here it comes.  I am screwing up the idioms to shake off FB's ai spiders.  

With the N Hemi coming down, we are almost sure, this is the last 'summer' wipeout.  Next, it will be snow.

ps. and another great item from Influencer Science

Wow, the 'carbon sensitivity' is 10 times what they got off the horrible graphs.  But that's all they have in their Socratic Argument.  Wouldn't it be neat to cast a hypothesis and measure it directly?  

ps. we have to get our tomato jars done before the winds come!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Everybody who runs MS should just release all their data


Why bother to pretend? 

Another cold blob comes down to hit Toronto


I wasn't that sure of this one.  It is narrow, but it has the good blunt nose.  When it hits us, it will be the same as all the others.  Lots of rain, and then, cold weather.  We'll go up to the cottage then.

The tropics and all the other charts are hooking down again.  Since this chart is 6 days behind, I don't really know how to correlate it with the Pacific cyclones.  I expect it to go down again soon.

Latest doomer story - microplastics ten times more deadly than any other micro junk


A long time ago, in biology class, we looked at cells under the microscope.  "What are all those tiny specks in the cell?"  "Oh, those are just specks.

If you just look at plastic, then you have a Socratic doomer story.  It can replace climate change.  However, they want to put other micro specks in everything.  Look at clange cloud seeding!  These specks are ignored.

Most specks were silica dust.  Not deadly at all.  And the plastic becomes 'micro' for a short time, because it is being digested by everything.

We need a new class of 'microplastic scientists' who will do anything to keep their jobs.

Bozing garbage to be ejected


Ha, this is an engineering disaster.  The garbage can't be ejected without a human or humanoid sacrifice.  The new plan is to give it a big kick on a space walk.  Better not 'Bend it like Bekham' or it will curve right back and hit the station.  Remember the old WWII submarine movies with a 'hot torpedo' curving around and dum, dum, dum, barely missing?  or hitting. whatever, it's a movie.

The importance of winter heatwaves

 Poor warmies, they only have winter heatwaves to go on about.  Problem is that nobody has ever worried about that sort of thing, until now.

They had a short spell from the usual 80 below, to 30 below.  Soon gone.

Everybody loves a winter heatwave, and they are gone in a flash.

My hypotheses, which can only be tested by experiments, is that the equatorial belts of the oceans are turning cold.  That is caused by a big switch from a northern feed to a southern one.  All that southern cold water is being sucked up, leaving the S. Hemi. with no heat energy for ocean breezes.

When you see that clear air, it is just local Sun heat, like a desert.  High in the day, low at night.

Continuing the impacts to the hypothesis, we have less energy for ocean breezes.  As long as the groupthinkers can choose their measurements, they will go to peak day temperatures.  This gives good news stories.

However, the lack of ocean temperature moderation means a heck of a winter, as the ice cycle comes in.  Good for us that peak day temperatures are always around, but look out for heating degree days.  

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Magnificent Tomato Machine


Yeah, I got the last one in world.  We live a frugal life and grow lots of tomatoes.  Then we can them in glass, and the kids steal them all when we aren't looking.  Such a wonderful life.

Anyway, getting old sucks, and I can't wind the manual sauce machine any more.  So, I got this from ammie, and we set it up outside for sauce.  OMG, what perfection!  You don't need to pre-cook, you just cut up the tomatoes and throw them in.  Magnificent sauce, compared to the watery manual method.

The neighbour came over, and brought her tomatoes.  Poof, poof, a bucket of thick sauce.  No need to reduce it.  Just paper-thin skin, and seeds come out the pooper.

This is magnificent.  Have fun with the sore shoulders everyone.  I think people will be lining up at the house.  Tomorrow, we are buying some of those 25 pound boxes at 9 bucks, and playing Italian music while we drink wine, and dance.

This hasn't been as much fun since the neighbours got the first colour tv on the street, in the 60's.

New weather pattern gives back a Semblance of Summer


The Pacific cyclones have disrupted our pattern of the summer.  We've been getting 'static air' warmth, and then a big blast from the Arctic, giving us those nasty storms.

Now, we are still getting the static air, but no sight of an Arctic blob.  We will just have to wait.

That California cold zone is hilarious.  They are just getting static air off the ocean.

We can safely say there is no sign of any Gulf Stream warming the water right now.  The UK is enjoying Labrador weather, maybe even Greenland.

We just have to wait for the Pacific cyclones to pass through, then we get very cold air.  Insulate your house.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Death boat is the new Bozing jet

 Bad engineering.  Always kills in the long term, especially when they have fun with the Laws of Physics.

I'm being very cryptic because that boat guy looks to be as bad as Bozing in 'dealing' with people.  

I'm going to design a monohull with the tallest mast in the world.  This is great, as every sleazy billionaire is going to buy one.  With the big sail (over compensation), the boat can go twice as fast.  Fantastic, why hasn't this been done before?

Oh, it has.  For old King Henry, they made a fantastic king's boat with the tallest sails in the world.  Looked fantastic, and got out into the harbour.  Ooops, it flipped over.  Wow, didn't see that coming!

Ok, then, I'll make a coyote design like the 737max.  It will still sell, but I have to put a retractable keel that goes down a hundred feet.  Nobody will see it.  We'll put a big weight bulge at the bottom, like a dildo.

Dear Sir, you made a death ship.  If there is a big storm coming, then it is best to scoot to the nearest shelter.  They can't take your giant underwater wiener.  So you have to winch it up.  Who's got the tippy boat now?  The harbours don't have any wind protection, just waves.  So, with the keel up, you don't need 300 km/hr wind from a tornado to knock it over, just your standard 150 km/hr blowdown.  These are a dime a dozen, and no moored sailboat will notice it.

Of course, since this was labelled as an 'unsinkable boat', like the Titanic, all the hatches were open for the heat.  Air conditioning is very un-green.  This boat needs retractable and inflatable outriggers when in shelter.  Man, that would look ugly.

ps the jet has big-ass engines strapped onto it, like the coyote jet on the back.  It was unstable.  Whoops, when that was discovered, they had the idiot nephew write a program, that was good 99 times out of a hundred.

ps of course, you can leave the engineering behind, and go with the media -- Climate Change.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Pacific cyclones push up temperatures

 At the cottage I can't upload images but we are having a moment of a slight rise in temperature. 

We are cold up here and I see the next cold blob starting. Prepare for the next rain. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cottage report

 Cold. Summer has officially lasted mid-July to mid-August. Shortest in 50 years. 

Ps lake still as dish water. 

Ps eating tons of corn on the cob. I call it "Corn cob colonic cleansing". 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Water main in Montreal exactly the same as Calgary

 Wow, they were slow in saying this, and they still haven't said anything.

We need a map of all 40 year old concrete water mains.  We'll never get that.  

Everything is changing and 'nobody knows why'


Slowly, the 'physics cows' come home to roost.  There are a flurry of articles lately on 'nobody knows why'.  In the latest news, a hurricane has frozen to death in the Atlantic.

This was a fine hurricane, and now it's dead.  

We can see that both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are suffering from 'End of the usual pattern' disease.  That means all the forecasts that depend on the previous patterns don't work.  People may be desperate enough to go to physics.  

All the temperatures on the big charts are doing the 'Death Plunge'.  This is a fine start to a big ice cycle.

But don't worry, I think all the warmies can do the 'deer in the headlights' thing for another year or so.

ps.  Never give up, never surrender.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sailboat in a Tornado


I believe that any sailboat in a tornado would have its mast rip the boat in two, thus negating the 'last gasp' of staying inside, behind waterproof hatches.  If a strong wind merely tips over the boat, everybody lives.

So, the mast should be designed to break off at the base before destroying the boat.  That way, everything is sealed.  However, we must wait for them to find the boat on the bottom of the sea.  If it was ripped in half, that gives 10 points to Gryffindor.  

Country people, prepare for a ride


In the interest of being popular, the gov't is now going 'full tilt' at the windmills.  

This is the fun thing of Socratic debate, no experiments are needed.  They just select facts and pummel you with them.

Looking at the windmills on the way to the cottage, you can be sure they never run when they are needed, like stagnant-air heat and cold waves.  Even today, they might not run because the wind is too strong.  They have a capacity (to provide power when needed) of about 8%

But this is not the worst thing.  They sync up exactly.  I'm not saying what this can do, because there are no experiments, just debate.  Anyway, have fun, they have to be 'everywhere' to provide a speck of power.  I'm glad I live in the city.  We love stomping on the country mice.  :)

All of climate change is now formally defined as a Socratic Debate


I love this article.  

"It works kind of like the way things did with the ancient Greek philosophers,"

"It's like a Socratic debate where, in the end, scientific arguments determine the verdict," Leippold says.

We know from history that Socrates and Aristotle were correct.  They would take observations and immediately come up with a theory, like how the Sun obviously revolved around the Earth.  They would debate this endlessly, and the winner would get it enshrined in the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.  Then they would kill for it.

The Climate Debate uses all of this and produces a theory that proves to be popular, because it is derived from 'every day experience', like how a greenhouse is always hot.

I'm an old man, and have no 'influence' for a popular debate.  We must leave that to tikkytoks.  Nothing bad can happen following the 'expedient' path.

**this may or may not be satire.


Assuming summer is over, Toronto saves a lot on air conditioning

 The 'physics-happy' way of determining heat energy, is to look at the cooling degree days, rather than the odd peak temperature.  

It's good that we save electricity, because the windmills could be used for hanging laundry all this summer.  However, wait until the 'heating degree days'.  This chart has been quite steady, mainly because of the lakes.

We can always hope for some more heat for the rest of the expected summer.

ps.  Geez, that was cold on the dog walk.  Fine late October weather.  You could almost think of snow.  

A cold blob a day keeps the hurricanes away


Looks like Europe got cleared, as well.  

ps.  looking outside for the dog walk -- cold and windy.  Heavy winter clothing.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Toronto storms all have the same mechanism


Looks like the rain is being blown away.  All our big flooding storms have had the same mechanism of an Arctic cold blob hitting stagnant moist air.  You can see that this one has a clean edge, and that's an indicator of its strength.

There is no attempt at explaining this from the conventional sources, so I won't get into anything.  I'm still on summer vacation.  Next week is cold and clear, perfect end of August weather, in the middle of August.

ps.  the cold edge of the storm is going to come over Toronto.  Probably just as much rain.  We got 6 inches in the bucket, and contractors beside us lost a pile of coarse gravel.  It's all over the road.

All Pipes go to Heaven


So, the big problem is that all these 70's concrete pipes are only lasting 40 years, but the cities still think they last 100 years.  Look for one to blow near you.

ps this adds up to one heck of an engineering failure.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

M7 earthquake off coast of Russia


Now, this is a smooth subduction zone.  The clean lines and curves means that it pops off every few hundred years.  So, it could be a foreshock for an M9.  Odds are a hundred to one.

Much better chance than the Japan warning for their M7.  That was on a dusty, dirty subduction zone that only pops off every thousand years or so.  Just like Cascadia.  But, we wait.

This earthquake is in the middle of nowhere, but an M9+ would shoot off a heck of a tsunami.

ps. I know that I wanted to retire from stupidity, but that Japan thing got me going again...

Toronto enjoys another dang storm


Yeah, exactly the same as the other storms.  These are caused by cold, not heat.  However, the autobot will always come up with the same answer.

We are in a giant mixmaster.  The dog is terrified.

ps. wow, it just keeps raining.  I wonder if it can keep up to its brothers.

ps. I predict that the warmies will say that 'This is the final armygeddy of clange, come to kill us all'.

All temperature charts are cold and sad

 There was an article in the guard -- 'We don't understand why temperatures are going down', by the climate scientists.  Can't find the headline now, I'm sure it's gone.  Never admit anything!  says the old Clinton defence.

Antarctica has lost the spike at 30 below that was raising the world temps.  Is there something wrong with that concept?

Tropics are diving.  So is everything else.

And finally, the world, which is a weird addition problem.  Live by the bad math, die by the bad math.

It is ridiculous to think that the 'cool kids' can do math.  It's just amazing that they were handed so much power.  

Anyway, that's the end of summer.  For the UK, they never had summer, and Europe just had stagnant air.

Lymphatic system now has a mechanism


This is neat.  The lymphatic system is an extra 'blood-type' system, with little physics.  What does it actually do for us?  Now we know.

It is the drainage system for the brain.  It has tiny little pumps that keep the fluid going.  It is near the skin, so it was probably added later in evolution, for active brains.  Do fish have this system?  Worms don't.

It turns out that the pumps are as lazy as me, when it comes to exercising, especially when old.  These guys think they can just activate the pumps and everything will be hunkey-dorey.  Most likely the pumps get lazy because of blockages upstream.  So don't hold your breath on this one.

Calgary water main repair goes up at 5 spots per minute


The pipe inspection is geophysics.  I did geophysics in Calgary one summer.  That was when the oil boom crashed.  All the offices around out office were suddenly emptied.  

Geophysics only gives a 'hint' of what is actually happening.  Right now, they are listing a zone for repair, following detection of a 'wire snap' .  That is a steel wire termination in the coils they were using.  I'm not making a speck of effort in figuring this out, but you don't do that with geophysics.

If they go in with more sensitive (expensive) equipment, they will find more wire snaps.  It's the nature of the business, but these things are meaningless.  Most of the signals are probably natural wire ends, there is no way to tell if it snapped.

I am talking through my hat here, and they can say that, if anybody read me.  They never give technical details.  As well, the repair method is useless.  Pouring concrete on this leaves a 'cold joint' which doesn't stick.  Of course, they will say they can overcome this little thing.  This thin cover of concrete doesn't stop the rusting process, and provides no tensile strength.  It is merely a wonderful thing for the PR department to fling around.

Of course, in legal space, this is all perfect, and these people are all wonderful.

ps.  Let's assume a rational world - First, in 1967, when pre-stressed concrete was shown, there would be one crazy guy who said "You've got to be kidding!"  Then, they would have stopped it, instead of it going all over the world.  That didn't happen.  Now, I was thinking of an instrument that goes floats through the pipe, and measures diameter with wheels and lasers.  The pressure is always vibrating, and this instrument could look for soft zones, just like I want to do for earthquakes.  A soft zone is the real thing.  They would then wrap the section in rubber, with big stainless strapping.  The pipe will last another few years, until they replace it.  Such a perfect world!

ps. no comment from Montreal on what type of pipe they had.

NOAA plot shows us well over peak in temperature


That was a heck of a peak.  I wish we could calculate the heat energy, but that is beyond us.

We are getting hit by another Arctic blob coming down on us, and blowing away our stagnant heat.  This always gives us flooding, and has been a hallmark of our summer.  I'm glad we had our 2-day heatwave at the cottage, but cut everything short for this monster storm.

The main rain will come at the boundary of that cold pulse coming down. 

ps.  a huge cold blob is hitting Europe, trying to shove away that stagnant heat.  Remember, if you are in the 'heat energy' camp, only look at the minimum (night) temperatures.  

Might even be some rain for 'Dry Guy' in Spain.