Monday, November 1, 2021

Worst ever building pancake


My primary interest is earthquakes, so I am always following building collapses.  As this shows, you don't need earthquakes, but if buildings collapse without an earthquake, then their seismic capacity is zero.

This is the worst I've ever seen.  Absolutely no steel and sand-castle concrete.  No building has ever collapsed like this.  Even the Florida thing had slabs.  No chance of any rescue.  In an earthquake, you wouldn't get such a perfect loaf of sand, it would be spread out, because that loaf is unstable.  Look at the one right beside it, and wait for a puff of wind.


dani said...

find your blog very interesting I am a uk geologist specialising in volcanoes and a weather observer I am working on a project painting the skies every day so far reached 800

Harold Asmis said...

I'll take it on faith that we are struggling bloggers with no audience. I have no great desire to have any readers. I wish you the best.

dani said...

I am a geologist with ideas that dont fit the modern religion I am a keen weather observer and spend much time recording the skies and weather have done for 40 years but dont go along with the modern hysteria

dani said...

I have seen earthquake damage in New zealand and Russia but never seen pancaking like this what was it built with sand i remember in the Caucusus in armenia a quake occured and sand ran out of cracks in the plaster I was glad to get out of there mind you with the universities over here teaching that maths and physics are a white male colonialist idea and getting the maths right is not important so we can expect more buildings to collapse like this in the future