Thursday, July 24, 2014

Europe is a Bureaucrat's Wet Dream


I know from the old company that every bureaucrat (bc) longs for the 40's when all telephone lines went through a central monitoring station, and all newspapers were censored.  This gave the bc's great power.

Europe looks longingly to Russia which has made the conversion.  :).  Unfortunately this model is 10 times more inefficient economically, and the only way to support it is through a closed economy (like the monopoly of the old company).

The bc's should never have accepted the physics of the Internet, and should have cut off CERN for enhancing it.  That physics is controlled by the design of the labelled packet, which makes it infinitely routable.  It's like holding dry sand in your fingers.

The bc ideal would be the Blackberry model where all communication goes unencrypted to a central server.  They would have to make a new Internet called NastiNet, and sell it as something much better.  There would be no routers, no packets, just streams to a central facility.  Even China hasn't managed to do that!

Of course the European bc's believe they can sell this, just look at the last quote in the article.  It would be a much 'friendlier' Internet, with no slander or child abusers.  Who could refuse that?  I know that I would never be allowed on it.  :)

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