Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Left goes after Evolution


This is amazing.  Having played out the whole climate thing, they go after evolution and how humans are destroying it, causing total devastation in 100 years.

Left Theory of Evolution

There is no room for the Scientific Method here, or anywhere.  When we say 'theory', it is an explanation from cursory observation, confirmed by a consensus of like-minded individuals, and rapidly promoted from theory to 'fact'.

Evolution was a happy place until the rise of humanoids 8 million years ago.  We have constructed a graph, according to our beliefs, showing the purity of evolution, until recent times when it goes up like a hockey stick, with human-caused corruption.

Since this graph is constructed from our imagination, it has totally accuracy throughout the whole time period (see our piece on dinosaurs, where we have high resolution back 200 million years).

Pure evolution is a scene of bunny rabbits bouncing around.  If the environment changed before humans, then they all got together and decided what improvements they needed.  Unbelieving human deniers destroyed all this.  Look at that bunny picture.  Any second now, humans will come and shoot them, and destroy all the grass with cancer-causing roundup.

It is clear that all denier humans should wear hair shirts and starve out.  We, the Left, will remain in all our glorious enlightenment, eating our granola.

ps.  whoops, the false organic food fad is now fading.  And vegans are dying, sad.

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