Friday, July 8, 2022

No new earthquakes from natural gas


This is a good summary article, but no physics, especially rock mechanics.  My thought was that the price of natgas zooming so high would bring the earthquakes back to Oklahoma.  But they are really clamping down on injection.  I wonder what they do with the frack waste now.

At one time, I came up with a solution for the frack waste underground disposal because I thought other methods would restrict the natgas production.  Obviously, they have gone with restrictions, which are easier.  I have to assume they aren't expanding eastern natgas fracking, and it will zoom the price more.

This becomes interesting, since we are going to get colder winters, and the natgas freeze-up will be longer.  They ran out of winter storage this year, and next year will be worse.  It is not a 'thang' to finance this stuff, so everybody will freeze.

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