Monday, July 20, 2020

Ocean current report - July 20, 2020

The Pacific Current is at full charge, going West.  It is the most 'unreversed' that I have seen it.

I was totally wrong in predicting last year that our winter would give Siberia a run for its money.  The Halvsie El Nino popped up out of nowhere and gave us a mild winter, but it was a long one.  I am assuming that those weird conditions won't be out to play this winter.  Thus, prepare for a record winter, starting with snow from November to May, and cold enough to freeze the pipes.

They are making a big deal about El Nina, which doesn't bother us in the north.

On the temp anomaly map, the water is running much cooler on the west side of South America, but hot on the east side.

The ocean currents support this.

The hot side is showing lots of current from the equatorial belt, and on the cold side, we have water from Antarctica.  It is caused by the Pacific belt sucking in a lot of water to feed the westerly motion (mass must be conserved).

To have a really good ice age, I am expecting a greater flow of heat to the south.  The picture now is still a bit mucky, but I always go boldly forth, with a good chance for error.

What I have still going for me is the death of the Gulf Stream and North Pacific current.  Without these bad boys, we will just get colder and colder.  Look at the horrible UK weather, the tabloids are now calling 20C as a 'heat wave'.  :)  But they aren't even getting that.

Don't forget that the UK is the 'heart of darkness' with the English Majors takeover of the world.  :)  I'm so happy when they freeze and never mention the Gulf Stream.

ps.  the low level of Arctic ice volume during the winter means that we'll get the lowest volume yet in the Summer.  The warmies are happy. 

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