Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mountains of Paper - Part 3

It's amazing that in 1980, the business was run exactly the same as in 1900.  We had typewriters and carbon paper.  I wrote my reports by hand and it went to the typing pool.  It would come back and I would correct on the paper.  Just by then they had machines and big floppy disks.

Later years would see the rise of the PC and word processing.  The business was destroyed by spread sheets, stupid presentation software, etc.  All downhill.  Very sad.

ps.  the big destruction of all the pc apps was to allow the upper bureaucracy to exert total control down to the very bottom.  Before, we were protected by walls of paper.  The company became self-similar throughout.


Penny said...

Interesting read.

Harold Asmis said...

I was inspired by the new death of the standard office. The old office concept was tied by mountains of paper. Covid will be the 'meteorite of the dinosaurs'. Although dying for 40 years, everybody will say that 'Covid killed the beast'.