Monday, September 2, 2024

Join Dry Guy in Spain


Ha, these pictures show that there is water in Spain.  Anyway, the concept of Digital Nomads is gone.  Everybody wants these people back in the office.


Harold Asmis said...

Ha, since you are probably a desiccated husk right now, I will let my imagination go. You will appear before the little nomads and say "Welcome to the Black Hole of Dryness, where all moisture is sucked from your body. " You will appear as Ben Kenobe, with your 'Staff of Dousing' in one hand, and your portable Starlink antenna in the other, like a Moses Tablet.

We went through our 'digital nomad' phase during Covid. I remember the enthusiastic young couple in our neighbourhood. "We're leaving the city, and going to the middle of nowhere, up north." So, I would appear as Sven Kenobe, with my bug repellent in one hand, and snow shovel in the other. "Welcome to the land of 10 foot snow, and endless clouds of bugs". Your brains will slowly turn to mush. All those people want to come back to the city, but nobody is paying any mortgages any more, and they want the peak millions for their houses.

Neil T said...

Just rained.. Not much but it rained. No olives, almonds, hazels or wine grapes this year. Farmers are suicidal. I never understand the logic of trying to attract digital nomads. Just keep moving around the planet and don't pay tax.

Harold Asmis said...

Did you do your little happy dance?

Neil T said...

Happy happy joy joy... Not really. I've got to harvest my grapes (only 750kgs tops) and the last thing I need just now is rain. 5 months ago yeah but now just means mold.