Sunday, September 8, 2024

A cold dog walk

 Yesterday, we saw the coyote, but I was too stunned to take a picture.  Large and sleek, like a wild dog mix, it just looked at us, and we held the dog.  It was young and just curious.  I showed her my coyote stick and told her to move along.  Down the path, we saw a cat we don't like, and thought, what the hey?

I don't see the zillions of rabbits around.  Hopefully, the coyotes have been at work.

This is the chart of the day.  I don't like the world cumulative chart, since it weighs Antarctica too heavily.  That place is sucking up all the plumes in the S Hemi, and yet it is treated as a warm thing.  Something like this chart is neat, and shows what Europe is going to experience, once they get over all that Sahara air coming over them.  Never happens in the winter.


I have my coyote stick, but now, I'm getting a pumping horn.

Really people, it's like walking in bear country.  Yeah for the rabbit hunters!

ps. this is interesting.  Europe is about to be squeeze by a Vice of Cold.

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