Friday, September 27, 2024

UK surrounding ocean temperatures going down to Arctic levels

 This is interesting.

The Gulf Stream has dipped down to Spain, and there is no joy in Mudville (UK).  Look at the unbelievable cold water for the Pacific and Atlantic belts.

The anomaly map doesn't show much because of the weird baseline map which shall remain unknown forever.  However, it totally smashes any revival of laninny.

Lucky for us, they are really pumping up the Jet Stream.

I call this "Jet Stream Extreme" and it will be the official reason that Europe freezes to death.  Always good to know these things when you burn the furniture to keep warm.  In reality, the jet stream is just a reaction to hot and cold air masses, but a good fantasy is always good money.

ps. in order to boost the Socratic Argument, they are going on about how the jse has caused severe weather for millennia, all on its own.  However, this time it is clange.  That's exactly the same argument as -- 'We've had temperature cycles since the beginning of time, but this time it is humans.'  You cannot argue against this.  Works for the business cycle, as well.

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