Friday, February 11, 2011

Rare Appearance by the CNSC Gnomes of Ottawa


The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is blasting what it calls "misinformation" and "fearmongering" about its decision to allow Bruce Power to transport 16 decommissioned nuclear steam boilers through the Great Lakes to Sweden for recycling.
"The word nuclear, every time it appears... there is the fearmongering," said Ramzi Jammal, executive vice-president of the nuclear watchdog.

Ok, this is as momentous as the Fall of Mubarak!  CNSC people actually appearing and trying to claw back credibility!  They've been invisible ever since they became a political toadie tool.

I agree with them totally.  This ship is no risk whatsoever.  What about the things that are a real hazard?  Will they speak up against their masters?  Ha.

That is the real problem about losing credibility.  How can you control the crowds in the street?  Ignorance and fear-mongering are part of the mix, if you used that to control them in the first place.  When you piss in the wind, it always comes back.  :)

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