Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Rise of Linda Keen


“We are in a different area. I just want to emphasize that again. We are in a different area than Japan. Having a nine-magnitude earthquake and a 15-metre tsunami is very, very low probability that will never happen in Ontario.”
That’s not the point, says former Nuclear Safety Commission president Linda Keen.
“You’re defending against yesterday's problem,” she said. The takeaway from Fukushima, she said, is not that nuclear plants should beware tsunamis: It’s that they should be much more risk averse, preparing for even the most improbable emergencies – what Ms. Keen calls the “black swans” of nuclear safety.

Really, she was not my favourite person when she took over the control board.  I mark the big decline from the start of her term, as she was just a Liberal staffer hack.  At that point, all the brighter regulators that knew something about seismic, all left, and I was twisting in the wind.  Of course, it went infinitely worse when she was kicked out.

But now, she's starting to be a bright spark in the nuclear debate.  I proudly declare her to be an Honorary Fish!

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