Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Once again, cold air battles warm

Wow, this is going to be our summer.  Warm air up, cold air down.  One day we have a heat wave, and tons of warmie articles, and the next we freeze, with the warmie press silent.

I have been chastised that I'm not doing much.  But I enjoy the warm days at the cottage, and build a fire in the evening.  The last 20 years we never had a fire to keep warm, and now I'm using up all the firewood.

All my charts are delayed due to covidity.  No physics to bring out from obscurity.

Now, if you want to see what happens when a geophysicist has to keep the party line on warming, read this.  It doesn't make any sense, poor guy, but the PR department needs stuff to keep the rich students pouring in to make the New American Elite.  Working poor need not apply.

ps.  and some UK fun.

followed by cold water thrown on heat wave coverage.

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