Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Landed.com expands house ownership program


This is my son's Palo Alto start-up, going into the ballistic phase.  You have to ride the exponential with these things, or you die.

It's funny that all the Guardian readers think Palo Alto is evil, throwing everybody out of work, and getting trumpy elected.  While that's true, it's possible to use this technology for a social good.  Landed is reducing the 'friction' between huge foundations, and legitimate people.  This is quite amazing since a huge amount of charity may be distributed inefficiently.  It's quite difficult to dribble out billions in a meaningful manner.

This company could never have started in Toronto, New York, or London.  No social good comes out of those places.  All the money is tied up by the sons of rich men and they just waste it on housing bubbles and such.

ps.  the whole thing can't work in Canada because the constraint is monthly payments.  In the US, the mortgage payment is a full write-off.  So the down payment is the constraint.

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