Anybody who canoe camps and portages through a swamp knows the feeling.
I swore not to say anything on all this right now. So I won't.
ps and especially not saying anything about this.
They just make this stuff up as they go along. Last week the PV was pushing the cold air, and this week it is collapsing and letting out the cold air, like the cattle fence failing. OMG! The cows are out!
At least they are giving up on warmth, and saying that we are going to have cold, because we all know that the Polar Vortex fairies are allergic to carbon. So, all the cold is due to carbon dioxide, and any day now, we'll go back to warminess.
ps they can never decide if the Polar Vortex is just something in the stratosphere, or a big cattle fence on the ground corralling the cold air. People are perfectly happy to have two meanings for one thing. Yeah.