Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Another big article on Oklahoma earthquakes


This is a big AP article and has been picked up by every outlet that has laid off their writers.  :)  I'm impressed that they got more sound bites.  All these people want to have nothing to do with this, but they'll rattle off a quip or two.

Anyway, I think OK is on a winter retreat.  The natural gas wells tend to freeze up when the cold weather hits, and there is less gas water to inject.  This was a real issue for the last two cold winters, but who knows this year with old El Nino.  My working hypothesis is that this gas water is the real culprit behind the earthquakes.

All my hypotheses are only good for directing studies and spending money.  If there is no money, then I'm just piddling in the wind.  They've stopped installing new seismometers, and the only uncalibrated accelerometers are in Cushing.  This is what the lawyers should take note of, the utter disregard.

It is now the fashion in these articles for the pundits to talk out of two orifices.  On the one hand they say there is little chance of a 'California Earthquake', but at the same time saying there could be a 7.  If you read the history of the New Madrid earthquake sequence, you'll see that's 'California' enough!

ps.  I am amazed how some papers don't even want to pay for the AP article.  They have a student just produce a short summary under her own byline.  This is truly news of the news.  :)

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