Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Oklahoma earthquake storm breaks a new record

Wow, 16 heavy events, and I'm going to bed.  Nothing like that before.

I'm fairly convinced that as a major event starts to homogenize a large fault area, it slides to a critical displacement.  This activates earthquakes all over the zone.  However, the storm earthquakes may actually be activated by the stress relief of the pre-slide.  The large regional stress relief, however, of the major event somehow shuts everything down for a while.  It's sort of a complex anti-process that I can't figure out.

Anyway, tomorrow or the next day we'll have a doozy of an earthquake, and everything will go quiet.  I don't have hard physics on this, but it has been the general pattern.  I still give it 50/50 that it could break out of this pattern and do something else.  Oh well.....

Update:  nothing big to wake up to.  The storm continues.

Update2:  I've decided this is the old concept of dilation, which was really big 30 years ago.  Basically, the rupture plane must yield slowly and homogenize to a uniform small critical displacement.  Then it is ready for a super-rupture.  It is the same with landslides.  With a rough and strong surface, there must be an expansion of the fault surface, which allows in more water.  This can generate electrical signals and tremor, which makes the animals go crazy, or all these storm earthquakes.  Then pow!

Update3:  Dilation was an MIT concept before that whole area died, and the smart people went to Stanford.

Update4:  Wed. has proven to be generally quiet without a large earthquake.  The pattern is breaking, and if there isn't a large earthquake tomorrow, it is six feet under.

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