Yes, and they have a lot more to go up. Especially if the Ontario government continues to make arbitrary political decisions that double the cost each time.
The rational approach, like the Chinese, had a reasonable base cost. Just slap on some AP1000's (or whatever!) on a site with plenty of room, such as Wesleyville (a few years ago!). Of course, that is not possible, so every step towards political correctness slaps on another billion. And that's before OPG Management has a go at it!
It's a bit sad, which keeps me in the doldrums.
Isn't that oldhat for Darlington?
Quoted at $4 Billion delivered for $14 Billion.
You said it here, they low ball the bid and claim reasonable ignorance of engineering realities when it costs 3x to actually build and make work.
Yeah, but now the *estimate* is tripling before the actual construction! I wonder if the happy-people are going to acknowledge this. Still, if the cost of everything is going up, that means bird-whackers, solar cells, and natural gas. Most likely, no matter how they pump up the costs we still have to put in some nuclear.
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