Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vermont Yankee Witchhunt


On 1 March, the NRC issued a DFI requiring Entergy to confirm that information provided to the NRC is accurate and that the impact of recent personnel changes is assessed with regards to regulatory programme performance and safety culture. This action stemmed from an Entergy decision to take action against certain employees at Vermont Yankee after misleading information was provided to the State of Vermont and then not corrected. Entergy responded to that DFI on 31 March and agreed to conduct additional communications and outreach activities with stakeholders.

I'm just reading the surface ripples here, and relating it to the old company. Obviously, the 'misleading information' was the truth! You can only read the surface with these companies. Like my statement that the Niagara Tunnel is now on cost-plus. Someone has contested that this would be ridiculous, but I'm using very subtle clues here. If the statement is true, you'd never hear anything about it. If the bankrupt media grabbed it, it would be denied because of semantics, just like a teenager - "No, I did not totally wreck the car! Here's the rearview mirror."

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