Friday, January 17, 2025

The Calcium Valley Fever Dream Ends

 On the dog walk, reality started to flood in.  I can handle the physics of weather and earthquakes, but not people.  My 'idiot defences' will not work.  A million blood-sucking insects will descend and try for their piece of the pie.

We have an Eastern Stalinist Nature, mostly because of the monopolies.  The new nuclear plant will be a con design, sold by US billionaires.  It won't work, until ten times the expected money is poured in. Even then, I wonder.  Everybody will make out like bandits.

I shall have fun watching.

Polar Vortex Myth keeps the warmies alive



This is a detailed argument on how global warming and carbon dioxide are causing the world to go cold.  It cannot be argued against, since it is a fine example of Socratic Science at work.  There are no measurements, and the same debate methods could be used for anything, like Phrenology. 

You can extrapolate by tiny increments how the Polar Vortex Fairies or Wisps can come down from near-vacuum and herd the thick Arctic air.  This argument method is listed in Philosophy 101, under 'Fallacious Arguments'.  There is a whole list, which is as much as a bible to the warmies, as the Hitler book is to Trump.  We live in interesting times.

Anyway, this argues that the Polar Vortex Fairies are a skittish lot, and will grant us warmth any day now.  The natgas draw curve is straight down, to Empty in a month.  Will the traders go for Fairies, or what they feel on their collective noses?

ps.  natgas has swallowed this hook, line, and sinker.

Continue the Calcium Valley dream

 My hero, Doug Ford, dreams of an underground 401, but I am dreaming of something better.  Calcium Valley will be an underground California Dream without fires, floods and earthquakes.  The money will come from leading the world in this.

The connection to Toronto will come from an underground tube train, running at reduced pressure, at high speeds.  It will evolve to a packet train, like Internet packets.  You will load into car, truck, and group packets.  Zoom it goes and dumps you onto an auto-car for the final bit.  The auto-cars will be methanol hybrids, if you want to go farther.

It is quite easy to make the underground be like Callie, with expected lighting improvements, and the extensive production of air hydroxyl.  I'm experimenting with that right now.  

UVA light on titanium dioxide with extra humidity by a super-neat floating mister, from Aliexpress.

I estimate all this at 2 billion investment and 100 billion return.  Only we have the rock for it at Wesleyville.

ps this is 10 times better than dying on a rocket to mars.