Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Toronto - time to buy houses again

 We have a ridiculous over-supply of housing right now, all a result of the Big Boom.  If you somehow have money outside of the housing market, you should start looking.  Get in on distress sales, like a good carpet-bagger.  The reason why we have an 'apparent' housing shortage is that nobody can gear themselves up to a 50% discount on their house, from the peak.  That's what you need to sell.

Instead, nobody is paying for their houses, and the banks just suck it up, with gov't help.  The libs have staked their future on houses keeping their value, and that defies physics (money physics = economics).

There is no money in Canada to buy those houses at peak prices.  Sooner or later the banks have to face the music, just like it happened in Japan.  Then and now, everybody is still living in la-la land. 

We all love to try to fly by jumping off the roof, but it always ends in tears.

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