Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Big storm doesn't reach Toronto


The 'cold-warm' collision is happening north of Toronto.

Look at the vortex here!  Flooding up north. But the collision is mucky.

In other news, we have a one-day heatwave for the Earth.

This spike has no back-up on the other charts.

I'm so glad they can find some heat to report on.

The world is cold.  Shows that these charts aren't that stable.

The tropics drive the world's heat, and that isn't doing so well.  When the spike collapses again, we won't hear anything.

ps. and it's sad that this guy buys into the fantasy.  However, he loves 'damn him with faint praise'

ps. the fact that everybody has abandoned physics and engineering means there won't be an engineered solution.  Nothing but 'Fantasy Failures'

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