Monday, July 8, 2024

Tales from Feynman Island - A man named Ari

 Feynman Island or FI is based on the Scientific Method.  Everything progresses from hypothesis to theory, following experiments.  If it fails the experiments, the hypothesis fails.

It wasn't always the case.  We had a guy named Ari.  Full name Ari Stottle.  He was an influencer, perfectly happy in small groups, but technology gave him a mike.  Every idea was a 'theory'.  He was also in charge of the organization that was supposed to do experiments for his 'theories'.  He never did them, they were always 'self-evident', and 'plain as the nose on your face'.

He would go out and observe, and correlate random things.  His downfall came when he stated that 'wings neutralize gravity'.  He said that was obvious and all the experiments were done in 1850.  He was exiled to a mountain cave when everybody started pasting wings to their bodies and jumped off cliffs.  Most of the population died.

After that, the few remaining survivors demanded strict SM for everything.

ps.  a note from a reader -- I just love Ari Stottle.  Is he available for stadium tours?

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