Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fish totally wrong about math error

 In all fairness, I do admit when I'm wrong.  I asked them to check if there was something wrong, and they said it all checks out.

It's correct because they get the feed directly from NOAA, and it was on the BBC.  My only defence for my Spacex-type huge calculation error, was the map of direct ocean temperatures.

There is nothing there.  If anything, it looks colder.  I've done a lot of automatic contouring, and it resembles what happens if one number is wild, like a default '99'.  Of course, it isn't that, and it is now a fact.  This is the precursor to El Nino, and they show the end of the old El Nino as proof.  You can find the full pictures of 1997 and 2016, on my site, somewhere.

Obviously, I have to stay out of this now, since it is enshrined.  They'll be doing a tiktok dance now, that I'm a big, fat loser.  It's better than being declared a witch, and burned at the stake.

If there is anybody in the world who can do math, I strongly encourage them, also, to stay out of this.

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