Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Spencer plot dramatically down - World temperatures have wiped out all recent gains


No wonder noaa has smeared on the Danish Fudge, this is dramatic.  This confirms what the sea level told us, that all the temp gains of the past 20 years have been wiped out.  

I don't see any heat energy in the oceans, so this trend will continue to the 1970's.  I just hope it stops there.  

Of course, the phillies are getting desperate

This is more important than the ruskies killing everyone.  The poots-funded warmies know their livlihoods are on the line.  The poots-funded alberts should break free and jump on this, it makes them king of the hill again.

Nobody will see the temp plunge on the media.  Noaa will contine to hand-draw their line flat as a board, in some sort of committee compromise.  Meanwhile, Spring is delayed.

Our 50 below stuff is clearing, but the 30 below zone is happy.  Natgas is starting another zoom, they only react to what they see out the window.  The storage report comes in tomorrow and expect to see something dramatic.

Unless the oceans kick in soon, we have ended the long cycle of warmth and are going to a true ice age.  There will be no ice advance, because all the northern highlands are still depressed from the last time.  Ice advance is on a 10,000 year cycle and locks in when we have one of these ocean ice ages, when all the highlands are up.  Then we have an ice lock for 10,000 years.  Physics is fun.

ps.  this confirms the obvious, that noaa had a huge existential crisis when they calculated the world temps last month.  The uppers did a vw dieselgate and said in a pootsy way - make it work or we'll kill you.  They were out for a week.  What goes up, must come down, but you can flap your arms for a long time.  I think the ship sinking is karma.  :)

pps.  on the dog walk today I conducted a survey of young people (1).  They still think temperatures are rising, and this winter was mild because of December.  Last year was hot because of BC.  Group-think can only be ended by a major disaster.  I'm thinking that even if the US runs out of natgas storage, that won't be enough.  And without ocean breezes, we are in land-locked desert weather, so all the crop failures can still be blamed on heat.  The phillies will live forever!

more:  nobody is reading this because everybody thinks it's warm outside.  Nothing more this month.  The noaa plot will be flat again - the odds of it being flat one month is a thousand to one, and the odds of it being flat two months is a million to one.  Buy a lottery ticket!

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