Saturday, October 24, 2020

Tortured Logic



This is a nice read until the end.  Sounds like one of my phoney notes to keep the killer warmies off my back.

“The Little Ice Age was certainly not global. More and more researchers have found that it was regional and that it was not completely cold throughout the period. There was a lot of variability from place to place. I think the best expression for the period is ‘the European Little Ice Age’, because it was mostly the North Atlantic, Greenland and Northern Europe that were affected,” he said.

Our recent warming period is just the North.  At that time, the little ice age also hit Canada severely.

“Broadly speaking, this could open our eyes to the possibility that abrupt climate change is an inherent feature of the Earth’s climate system, in that there are now a couple of studies that show this has happened at different times,” he said.

Yeah!  That's what I'm saying -- ocean currents are chaotic.

But here's the kicker, which I would write, if anybody ever read my stuff.

But today's climate change is not accidental, says van der Bilt.“We have an incredible understanding of how our planet is changing. We can see the changes in the sea day by day and measure temperatures around the world,” he said.

A classic resolution problem -- Poor resolution in the past, and now we have satellites.  It's the exact same problem with earthquakes.

So, in recap -- Yes, we've had lots of severe climate change cycles in the past, but today it is carbon dioxide because we have modern instruments.  QED.  :)


Penny said...

So correlation = causation
Except that it doesn't.

The rooster crowing does not make the sun rise.
And correlation does not equal causation.
Having modern instruments including computer models does not = AGW

"“Broadly speaking, this could open our eyes to the possibility that abrupt climate change is an inherent feature of the Earth’s climate system"

This could open our eyes?
Gee and here I thought it was already apparent

Harold Asmis said...

I know, the whole science of geology is based on Lyel's concept of 'uniformity', that past processes are working today. We'll have to rewrite Geology 101, which has probably been rewritten in Europe already. :)

Anyway, I see that there will an increase in articles against the carbon hypothesis, except that the PR department will always put in that last paragraph. Can't have the school girls smash you with a placard.