Friday, October 30, 2020

Snow in Toronto

 Yeah, it's snowing in Toronto.  My prediction of snow starting in November is wrong.  I have a song:

We got no Halloween, cause Covid is making a scene,

There is no place to go,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

The Ice Age is upon us, can't jump on the warmie bus,

This is really crappy, you know

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Doesn't quite scan, but who cares?  I just earned $3.52 at ammie, because people are buying on my suggestions.  Yeah!

ps.  and the possum is back.  Next time, on the other side of the river.  Might slow it down.


Brent said...

No snow in RHill but it sure is cold. reminds of early 70s.

Harold Asmis said...

You had to be sharp to see it. :) Once I got up to 10 flakes, it was official. I saw that it was the same last year, but I don't remember it. In the 70's we had a big storm on the 31st, that broke a lot of trees with leaves still on them.