Monday, October 7, 2024

Gulf of Mexico's final hurricane

 The Gulf heat energy can only support two hurricanes.  After that, it is dead.

Our clipper coming down is mild, and warmed up by Pacific air over the mountains.

Not much heat energy in the world.  I find it nearly impossible that they can imagine a La Nina out of all this.  However, anything is possible.  

Note how cold the water is over UK.  Any heat energy from the Gulf Stream is going below Spain.  As usual, I'll state that I've never seen it like this.

Note that AI, the height of insanity, requires physics to power it.  Not going to happen.

I have predicted that we would enter a new Little Ice Age, while the 'cool kids' keep saying we are getting warmer.  Now, they are keeping a straight face, while saying this winter will be cold.  It's all clange riling up the Jet Stream Extreme.  I enjoy their explanations, and would never engage them in the Socratic Debate of Influscience.  This is their turf.

We few, are in the Cult of the Scientific Method.  We are 'brain dead'.

ps.  AI is now writing all the news.  Calling concrete a 'part'.

ps dog walk - Holy Cow, that wind was going right through you.

ps and of course, I have totally given up making fun of the UK

that last coal plant is getting ready to rumble

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