Thursday, July 9, 2020

Bureaucracy to be destroyed

All companies have a dysfunctional bureaucracy at some level.  For xspace it's just one crazy guy, but the lady president ignores him for the most part.  He did get the tin-tin spacecraft built, but it blew up.  Successive generations look less like a comic book.  But he has billions to waste.

My old company wants everybody back to work.  That Stalinist place needs to yell at people in the privacy of an office.  Psychological torture can't take place over zoomer.  None of these places can pretend to work with remote workers.

I don't think that masks work in a typical downtown elevator at lunch time.  You are jammed and the virus spreads by contact.  The air in those places is terrible.

This will be an exciting time to watch.  I know one company that will off the mark right away with remote workers.  My son's California start-up never left and will boom.  The old company will now have to admit that the 17 billion dollar job won't work for another 10 years.  Sad.

China will continue to send us more pandemics.  It's just that all pandemics start in the most crowded place.  Maybe India will contribute something.  Africa gave us AIDS, but most viruses there just kill everybody instantly.  No 'Typhoid Mary's'.  

The best time to start a business is now.  Be a service company to the big boys.  Our power line problem was all handled by contractors.  Don't invest in any company that has a union.  It's not the union that's the problem, but it is the sign of a horrible bureaucracy.  Many horrible companies have no unions, but is there a good company with a union?

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