Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Doomed to never forecast weather


This is hilarious.  Without atmospheric physics they can't progress.  They lose trillions not being able to forecast big events, and trillions on carbon reduction.  And trillions with covid.  How many trillions are left?

Until they nail down atmospheric heat flow, and clear-air convection they'll be rubbing their heads.  But they killed all that when they doubled down on 'Earth is Venus'.  They cannot engage in a speck of physics without being totally destroyed.  So, we'll all stumble until something big happens.

We'll continue to stumble into huge disasters as long as PR departments are in charge.  Covid could have been stopped if they had international crews figuring out the exponential right away.  But the PR department kept saying 'No sharks in the water.'  With more test kits we could have stopped that nursing home disaster by finding the 'Typhoid Mary's'.  But PR is in the way.

We live in an 'influencer' world and these guys have to maintain their image.

**the process of evolving a killer virus is a long one.  There has to be continuous exchange between humans and the original host.  For months or years the virus doesn't bother humans much.  When there is a tiny adaption both humans and hosts start multiplying viruses.  Until finally it explodes.  We really had years.

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