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Friday, February 9, 2024

We are in stagnant weather

 All our 'real weather' comes from the tropical plumes or cold Arctic outbreaks.  The remainder of the time, we are in stagnant weather, or 'default' weather, determined by season and latitude.

Toronto's default weather this time of year is something like +5 -5C.  It seems warm after the big outbreak. 

This 'blah' winter weather.  

The super-plume has gone by, and it doesn't look like the new plumes can cross the mountains.

The Arctic looks like it is going back to spills over Siberia and the Bering Str.  These do not exist in the popular media.  The UK is getting a bit of cold, but not a full spill.

This will be forgotten.  I was looking forward to London at -10C for a week (Freeze the Thames).  Unless the Spirit of Newton comes back, the Arctic will continue to recharge, and there is nothing noteable.

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