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Friday, February 9, 2024

Scientific Method has left the building

 On the Internets today, you can read about one of the Greatest Gods of Global Warming, winning a court case.  This makes Influencer Science the law of the land.

Since I am a law-abiding citizen, I shall now only refer to the SM and the laws of physics, as a historical curiosity.  I now lead a cult of one, with the mantra "What would Newton do?".

I had thought that the fading of El Nino, and the Freezing of Britain would increase my cult to two, but that has been all well handled.  El Nino will officially die on its scheduled time, and we all know that snow and ice are a result of clange.

We will go into another 'stagnant air' summer, and this will give plenty of one-day heatwaves to keep everyone happy.  Next year all the winter cold will be blamed on La Nina.  We are in the happy situation that nothing on Earth will touch the popularity.

ps.  Spain Guy is Getting Rain!

No more being the poster child of clange, they must move on to other things.  Of course, he'll just grump that it was only a few inches - blah blah.

1 comment:

  1. Err... We had quatre gotes (4 drops), but we're now in a drought emergency and ships will soon be arriving full of water for the tourist season. A hotel tourist uses 4 times the water of a person in Barcelona and a person in Barcelona is now restricted to 200L per day. I couldn't get through 200L a quarter as I'm a farmer and therefore a bit crusty.
