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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Spain guy gets hit by powerful cold-gyre


Since I now only have one reader, I will just concentrate on Northern Spain.  Everybody else can rot in fantasy.  

Nobody would believe the energy required to spin a gyre.  This goes against the famous 'bathtub rule' of only counter-clockwise in the north.  That's because a normal storm is self-sustaining as long as there is warmth feeding it.  That warmth can come from hot water, or a gentle warm input.

A gyre with a frosty filling needs violence.  That's equivalent to spinning your finger clockwise as the bathtub drains (this is a fantasy myth).  Only lasts as long as you spin.  For this case in the real world, we have a hugely powerful Arctic spill, giving the UK the what-for.

Giving rise to a new poem:

The snow below, 
Has nowhere to go,
Except Northern Spain.

If I cared about BC (no readers there), then I would note that a lot of air is coming through Bering Str.  But that is choked, and Greenland may be at capacity, which leaves cold air for the nogoodnicks in Toronto. (Everybody hates Toronto)

The good news for me is that I have found the cause of the weird world temperature spike.  I thought it was all the cyclones, but it is a micro heating event in the Pacific.  Normally, I would call this a half-ass El Nino, but it is smaller than that.

This one shows up in both the phony plot and the real one.  You can see that the nooa appendage has leprosy, and is about to fall off (upper anomaly plot).

The real map shows it as a Jupiter Red Spot, while the rest of the Pacific gets colder and colder.

My new hypothesis is that clear side-bands absorb the heat, and convection brings it to the belt, where it is force to speed up, due to angular momentum, and confinement (confinement like my pressure washer).

That little spark of heat is gone now, which always happens when I discover one of these.  

Anyway, this is all for Spain, and all the others in the world can piss off.  :)

ps. nooa is really weakening the El Nino prediction.  Used to be 90% for September, now 80% for March.  By March, it will be zero, since it doesn't exist.

pps - and Australia better have good spillways for the dams.  

But they don't read me -- so, how long can you tread water?

pps.  Wayne has checked in, so it's 2 readers, and I'll do Toronto.

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