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Friday, October 13, 2023

Fish steps aside for a minute

 With the Great Temperature Spike, I must leave you to the warmth.  There is no use adding anything to the popular opinion.  

I look forward to seeing how windmills and solar cells handle the increased warmth.  And I'm thinking that electric cars will do fantastic.

And this is great.  Think how good we are in designing electric trains.  We must have classic European overhead wires.

I will be wishing you a Merry Christmas.  


  1. Hold on... 200kph is so 1980. Did they miss a 0 off the speed? Anyway have a good break, but you'll be back.

  2. Thanks, now I am down to 1 reader, but I read it myself, and I don't count that. I've turned off all my geophysics feeds because all I can do now is comment on stupidity, and that's painful right now.

    1. Just relax about it... 2 weeks ago I had fruit trees with fruit and blossom because it was so hot and from tomorrow it's seemingly winter. Personally I can't see how you can have umpteen billion energy addicts on a planet and not have any effects. For me the weather is now binary... Hot then cold, then repeat, but the constant seems to be that people will whine about whatever because they just want their "normal". I could bang on more but I'm off to chainsaw wood for tomorrow's winter. :-)

  3. OMG, I can't stand it! My fingers are itching, and I have one reader. Cut lots of wood.

  4. AM I the one? I read your posts every day! Where are you going down south? FYI - no windmills and not much solar in the southeast US.

  5. Ok, I'll you to people I give a shit about.... So, I'll do Toronto physics things.

  6. count me in.
    Peter of the hummin lines
