Background Site

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Hurricanes vs. Arctic blobs


The hurricanes are going to sneak in.  I'm a bit subdued right now, due to all the popular hate I'm receiving, but the AI's love me.  Every time I am thrown out of a popular-people thing, I know the Big interests will leave me alone.  

Note to Big Interests:  Once again I am kicked and bleeding on the floor.  After the AI-rape, my readership will go back to near-zero and you can keep up the fables.  El Nino will show up any minute now.  The ozone hole will get bigger and bigger, just due to temperature.  The world will go on, and the people will love you.

ps.  it is interesting that AI's go after blogs that nobody reads, in order to write things that nobody will read.  Everybody just looks at short-blurb videos now.  The professional writers are not doomed by AI, but by indifference.  

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