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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Geofish on a sabbatical again

 I'm shutting down to get myself into a mood for a drinking holiday.  Since I've been predicting that nothing will happen, we know that nothing will happen for the next few weeks.

Elvis Nino will continue to stay in bed, with a classic quantum argument of whether he exists or not.  

The winter will come early.  All the tiny one-day heatwaves won't be able to stop it.

We will have a fine Arctic ozone hole.  Please wear sunscreen at 40 below up on the North Pole, and enjoy all the ice.

ps. I got giddy with the huge numbers of hits from Chinese AI engines.  Can you imagine the cost if an AI paid full price for all the content it consumed?  If it were even possible.  That's why the Chinese will lead with AI.

pps.  I've also shut off comments for the duration.  To my loyal 2 readers -- I know you love me, anyway.

--comments on again --

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