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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Polar Bears


This is a great article.  You can see what happens when a Popular Person (pp) tries to be honest, without earning 'vilification'.  The basic fact is that polar bears are doing fine, and the ice is increasing.

However, you can't say that.  When it was a pp issue they showed pictures of old pb's and said they were all dying due to carbon.  The Inuit hunters said they were fine, and they got greta-ground up.  pb hides went from $20K to 5.  Everybody is bearting around the bush, scared to mention the facts.

What's a pp to do, to remain in the fold?  Easy -- get the spotlight off pb's.  The classical 'ignore anything that doesn't fit' mantra of pp's.  

Anyway I appreciate their effort and enjoy the verbal dance.

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