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Monday, August 29, 2022

Fun with water vapour


Without physics, the story people can't decide on water vapour.  It would be easy to measure directly, but they must continue with stories.

Here, they are blaming the cooling of the Pacific Ocean on the Tonga volcano.  But here, they say that water vapour will warm things up.

They will settle on whatever actually happens, and then claim they predicted it all along.  And of course, here we have the official explanation that water is a slave to carbon.

Water vapour is 10 times the greenhouse gas as carbon, but it has a different mechanism than the classic 'invisible glass in the air' thing.  Of course, all of this is philosophy and just rolls off the tongues of popular people.  I can't provide a link to this article because of a gag reflex.

In reality, wavap is a huge quench on convective heat transfer.  The dino warming spell was because of huge amounts of volcanic wavap.  I understand the Germans are chopping up the furniture for this winter.  The poor Ukrainians can't go into the forests because of mines.  All of Europe will freeze as we enter a new Little Ice Age.  Canada will shrug it off as a normal winter, even though we haven't had this for 30 years.  If we go to 1830 winters, then look to 10 feet of snow.  No one was around for a 1650 winter.

ps. nosa has scrubbed the launch.  Since they all hate physcis, I'm expecting it to blow up, but maybe they'll never get it off the ground.  They can come up with excuses.  Yeah!

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