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Friday, September 3, 2021

Cold water from Antarctica forms a 'cold lock'

 Yeah, back to simple geophysics.  If you take a look at the history of our temperature swings, you are dying to find a mechanism for the cycles.  For the 10,000 year ice advance cycle, my hypothesis is that the ice forms a 'cold lock', where the white ice reflects light.  I'm rethinking that, since almost all our heat comes from the Pacific Great Heat Machine.

So, we need a 'cold lock' on the Pacific, and here it is, in action.

Here comes the cold water, sweeping up for both the Pacific and Atlantic belts.  This is confirmed by the currents.

The concept of a hypothesis is a wonderful thing.  Now, everybody just puts up a 'theory', and it is accepted or rejected by social media.

Anyway, the real question is the stability of these cold feeding currents.  Will the southern summer disrupt them?  Who knows?

The consequence is that the equatorial belts don't start up their heat engines because it is too cold, and we all suffer an ice cycle.  I still don't know the difference between the physics of a long or short cycle.  I feel that my mind is closing, so somebody else will have to take that up.  :)

ps.  however, there are alternate 'theories'

I love the 'warmer is colder' stuff.

pps.  turns out that everybody on cbc still believes the polar vortex story.  Ivermectin is a better story.

more:  In an informal family poll, everybody believes in clange because of the BC heat and fires.

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