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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Both Arctic Ice Extent and Ice Volume level out at minimum


This is the Arctic ice extent, on the verge of being average.  Both charts show a delayed response to the little Pacific Heat Event that made all the global temp curves go up a bit.  Arctic ice would be the last to react.

The Arctic ice volume is on its way to a new record.  The ice will totally engulf the islands north of Scandinavia, which was a hallmark of the Little Ice Age.

The warmie press seems to realize this, and has started the old myth of 'Polar Vortex Fairies'.  The hard-core accept the story of the Polar Vortex regularly 'roping in' the Arctic cold, and releasing the 'cold cows' whenever it is convenient.  Not that they can predict it, it's 'magic'.

In reality, the polar vortex is in the upper stratosphere, and less than one thousandth the air pressure of the surface.  Their idea of a 'mechanism' are nice cartoons of the pv whirling over the Arctic and releasing super-dense cold air.  This is like building a dam for water out of soap bubbles.  Oh well, this can go on for years, as long as there is one BC-like fire-heatwave per summer.  People suck that up!

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