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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Unusual Atlantic air flow creates paradise


This has never happened.  If we are lucky, we get really nice weather from a Pacific air flow over the mountains.  This will give us a dry summer.  Right now, we are in paradise with a continuous Atlantic air flow.  Nice, moderated ocean air.  The most we ever get from the Atlantic are storms.

I finally had to come home from the cottage, to do the laundry.  I was swimming for goodness sake.  I don't go in the water that much, and never in September.  We have had Sept heatwaves, but that has always come from the Gulf, with high humidity.  What we have now is amazing air, and at the cottage, the air was always totally static, not a puff.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

ps I just love this.

The ozone holes are getting bigger and bigger.  This is really due to it getting colder.  However, my favourite influencers are just spinning out stories that it is due to leftover chemicals.  Those fantasy chemical are not measurable, and if they were really active on the ozone, they would have been used up by now.  This is a work of art.

ps.  yeah, we can keep this story going until 2066.  No mechanisms need apply.

I am totally amazed.

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