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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cottage report

 Still in a pocket of still air. So hot and dry. 

Water is getting low. 

No strong wind for a long time. No drought because of all the previous rain. 

Another cold blob slices into Europe


All summer, powerful cold blobs have caused huge rain storms.  This is the opposite of the mechanism of clange, if anybody would mention such a thing.

I'm glad I never say anything against clange, because it encompasses everything.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Your phone is a bomb -- not


Can't wait to find the total scoop on this.  I've repaired phones and there is no space for anything.  How much high-explosives would be needed?  A standard marble-sized blob?  Maybe the case is a plastic explosive.  I just can't figure is out on how they got the needed space.  Perhaps replace an old component with a smaller new one?  Put in a better battery and get space.

Finally, tropics and worlds are hooking off


In physics-land there was nothing seen to be pushing these temps up.  They are 6 days behind, as an embarrassed media found out.  I couldn't find any unusual thermal activity that defined last year's huge excursion.  Now that the spikes are turning, we can assumed that these spikes were caused by cyclonic activity.  This is usual in the fall, when the temperatures are turning over.

These will now turn down, and we will enjoy brisk breezes.

Do not wear a naked dress to a job interview


No gum chewing, or man-spreading, especially if you are a woman.  I didn't find any mention of men with pants hanging down to their knees.  Excellent entertainment for the morning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Unusual Atlantic air flow creates paradise


This has never happened.  If we are lucky, we get really nice weather from a Pacific air flow over the mountains.  This will give us a dry summer.  Right now, we are in paradise with a continuous Atlantic air flow.  Nice, moderated ocean air.  The most we ever get from the Atlantic are storms.

I finally had to come home from the cottage, to do the laundry.  I was swimming for goodness sake.  I don't go in the water that much, and never in September.  We have had Sept heatwaves, but that has always come from the Gulf, with high humidity.  What we have now is amazing air, and at the cottage, the air was always totally static, not a puff.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

ps I just love this.

The ozone holes are getting bigger and bigger.  This is really due to it getting colder.  However, my favourite influencers are just spinning out stories that it is due to leftover chemicals.  Those fantasy chemical are not measurable, and if they were really active on the ozone, they would have been used up by now.  This is a work of art.

ps.  yeah, we can keep this story going until 2066.  No mechanisms need apply.

I am totally amazed.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Weather pattern changes

 The past six months have seen a pattern of intense cold blobs coming down on us and colliding into warm stagnant air. This has given us huge floods. Europe is seeing this now. 

We are now into a classic chaos turnover. Who knows what will happen. 


Nooaa world plot is in. Only August's plot goes with the flow. The all-months plot shows the drop. Pick your poison. 



Ps so nice at the cottage 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pixel 9 moon shot

 Moon glimmer on the lake taken with night sight. Loved the colors. 

Ps very weird air pattern giving us this nice weather. As usual, I have never seen this before. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sneaky cold blob drowns Europe

 Can't do big images at the cottage. A narrow cold blob got through and caused the rain. 

Ps cottage is wonderful this week. All the painting is getting done. No fish. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Tropics gone cold

 All our heat in the winter comes from this zone. 

Right now at the cottage we are enjoying static air. Very cold in the morning. 

Ps natgas is zooming. They live in fear that storage will run out. Once they lose faith in nooaa, it will really zoom. I say this all the time. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Cottage report

 We are now enjoying the Pacific air that zoomed over the mountains. Dry, warm in the day and cold at night. 

Note the bright stripe that shows how the water goes down. I have to go out and move the pump foot valve deeper. 

Hurricanes squashed like a bug


Well, some have questions.

While others just go with the flow.

Hurricanes need a precise balance of hot and cold.  Not happening this year.

ps. we are slowly getting our trip ready -- no more hurricanes.  :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pixel watch 3 for old people

 When you buy the wife a new Pixel pro xl, she will love it, and leave you alone while she plays her games.  You get a big store bonus, and you can buy a Pixel watch 3.

Win win all around.  The watch is amazing.  I got the large version for my poor eyes.  I haven't worn a watch for 20 years, and it's why I miss all my dental appointments.  Dang.  I got this for the constant reminders I need to get to the dentist, or they are going to hammer me.

I also has a 'drop dead' feature, which is the best for old guys because they can pick up your body and put in in a sack.  The feature is called 'Google Body Bag', and it is worth it.  (Just kidding!).

It will also track my non-exercise, and various other things that I will ignore.  Can it locate the nearest bottle of Scotch?  Who knows?  When I am out wandering, it can locate me, even if I don't want it to.  Honestly, what's alzies good for?

Can't wait to try more things, like sleep.

August ain't so hot


Can't wait to read the spin on this.  

Europe ends African heat, NA cold stops hurricane


Nice pictures today.  The huge 'Ice Curtain' stops the hurricane in NA.  Europe squeezes out the African heat, and the anomaly map is cold.

Nooa is very late on its US temp chart.  

ps. NH is plunging.  Hard to put a spin on that.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A cold dog walk

 Yesterday, we saw the coyote, but I was too stunned to take a picture.  Large and sleek, like a wild dog mix, it just looked at us, and we held the dog.  It was young and just curious.  I showed her my coyote stick and told her to move along.  Down the path, we saw a cat we don't like, and thought, what the hey?

I don't see the zillions of rabbits around.  Hopefully, the coyotes have been at work.

This is the chart of the day.  I don't like the world cumulative chart, since it weighs Antarctica too heavily.  That place is sucking up all the plumes in the S Hemi, and yet it is treated as a warm thing.  Something like this chart is neat, and shows what Europe is going to experience, once they get over all that Sahara air coming over them.  Never happens in the winter.


I have my coyote stick, but now, I'm getting a pumping horn.

Really people, it's like walking in bear country.  Yeah for the rabbit hunters!

ps. this is interesting.  Europe is about to be squeeze by a Vice of Cold.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pacific air over the mountains


This has been a rare event this summer.  A nice, dry summer has this air from over the mountains, and it sweeps away the cold blobs.  

ps. and the big typhoon is going to ground itself.

No impact on NA.  Another doomer story flushed.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Media backing away from constant doom


This is an interesting read.  In physics-land, no glacier melting can cause sea level rise because it is all in isostatic balance.  As well, there is no rise in 'absolute' sea level.  They just love mucking up local tide gauge level with ice melting, and absolute sea level.

Anyway, this is the first article, where they haven't ended in doomerism.  

ps.  this is fun that they are backing off.  As everything gets cold, they will say that they were right, but it's not as bad as they thought.  Perhaps they will throw in all their useless actions, and claim they worked.  It is best to come to a soft landing on this.  If people found out what they did for their own success, it might get ugly.

Extreme turbulence still mucks up La Nina


This is the sea temperature, and you can 'see' that very cold water is feeding the equatorial belt.

This is shattering the concept of a classic La Nina.  

However, we are about to have a very cold winter, and they need something to blame.  The weather people still believe that the ocean currents are 'insignificant' and driven by the winds.  They won't see the turbulence.  

Nevertheless, they have to go with that pitiful excuse for La Nina, on the anomaly plot.  I'm already reading about it.

ps.  amazing how they come to this conclusion.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Enjoy the heat


Both NA and Europe will enjoy the impact of the cold blob.  Probably won't cause the type of storms we've had because everything is cooler and dryer.  That gives less energy for the collision.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another cold blob comes down very fast


This one is amazing.  Coming down very hard, and promises to put the Toronto night time temperature at 10C.

ps. omg, it's so hot out on the patio.  It's one big solar furnace.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Winter approaches


We are being swept by cold, and another, worse one, can be seen.  

What you see here, is that the Gulf Stream is no longer providing heat for the UK.  It is staying low to Spain and makes the North Atlantic as cold as Alaska.  The last year or two, it has been keeping back the ice down the Greenland notch.  This year we expect both northern islands in the straight to be totally frozen in ice.  This is one of the hallmarks of the major ice cycle.

None of the big players in the clange game can let go of their positions.  We can expect it to be very cold this winter, with only reports of warmth to come, trying to warm us.

ps. and Toronto closes out as coolest summer since 2015, measured by cooling degree days.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Signs of the Ice Cycle taken as a temporary thing


During an ice cycle, the Sahara is green.  It is a consequence of the ice cycle, as well as no hurricanes forming over the cold Atlantic equatorial belt.  However, in la-la land, you can make a speculation that the desert rains quench the hurricanes, but soon it will be over, and we are back to the influencer groupthink.

So, don't worry that the Toronto cooling degree days are dropping like a rock, and heating degree days are zooming like a duck out of water.  It's all good.

ps. and in other news, the drought prediction for Alberta was completely wrong.

Good for them.

ps.  I am happy I live in a world where one can be completely wrong all the time, and still, everybody hangs on every word.

Join Dry Guy in Spain


Ha, these pictures show that there is water in Spain.  Anyway, the concept of Digital Nomads is gone.  Everybody wants these people back in the office.

Ghost in the machine


That would be icing on the Bozing cake, if the whole thing blew.  I can't even think how they eject it, without it curving back and hitting them.  

Pacific absolute sea level remains low


It's hooking a bit, but remains low.  This is the best chart I can find for what used to be called 'sea level' but now must be qualified by 'absolute'.  What used to be 'local sea level' is now called 'sea level'.

On this chart you can see all the great heat events of recent history.  You can see that all the hubbub of the media pales in comparison to historic events.  That's why I think the satellite charts have drifted.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Pixel 9 Pro XL -- a great machine

 My wife is the game nut, and I can't pry the phone out of her cold, dead hands to check it out (she's not dead).  We have used it as the hotspot at the cottage, and it works great, pulling in the weak LTE.  The camera is still too complicated for her, and again, that little problem with access.

Driven away from the cottage by the cold


I did jump into the water once.  Geez, that was cold.  Most likely, this is our pattern going into winter.  That means early cold and snow.  Canada will be 'ghosted' by the media because we don't behave.

No comment on the tropics chart.  Doesn't mean anything in this world.