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Friday, August 9, 2024

Twas salt that killed the Calgary pipe

 Just read an article on the pipe that I can't find again.  The engineers go on and on on how that was a perfect pipe that didn't require any inspection.  It was the only pipe of that kind in the world, and now it is totally rotten along the entire length.  

In Ontario, they blame this on road salt, but they don't use much salt out west because of the 40 below temperatures.  Just grit.  It was groundwater, which they probably didn't test.  The constant thumping of a big water pipe probably causes little cracks which make things worse.

This pipe is dead!  They want to pour concrete around the whole pipe, but that ship has sailed.  Concrete water is 10 times more corrosive than the ground water.  I once put an aluminum borehole seismometer into a borehole with concrete water.  Thing fizzed up like an alkie selzie.  Oops.

Rip it up and put in a new one.  Something that is tested around the world in worse conditions than here.  But, they won't.  They have to putter around forever to save face.

ps.  this fits in with my general observation of 'Institutional Stupidity'.  We are controlled by giant organizations who have lost their way.  All their money goes into PR departments that cover for them.  Nobody has any basic physics or logic, so they believe anything.  Although we are getting one stupidity after another, the binomial theorem dictates that we shall have a huge sweep of stupidity, as everything comes crashing down.  I shall be quiet then, because it will not be funny...

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