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Saturday, August 17, 2024

NOAA plot shows us well over peak in temperature


That was a heck of a peak.  I wish we could calculate the heat energy, but that is beyond us.

We are getting hit by another Arctic blob coming down on us, and blowing away our stagnant heat.  This always gives us flooding, and has been a hallmark of our summer.  I'm glad we had our 2-day heatwave at the cottage, but cut everything short for this monster storm.

The main rain will come at the boundary of that cold pulse coming down. 

ps.  a huge cold blob is hitting Europe, trying to shove away that stagnant heat.  Remember, if you are in the 'heat energy' camp, only look at the minimum (night) temperatures.  

Might even be some rain for 'Dry Guy' in Spain.

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